Monday, May 8, 2017

Dourly Optimistic: the new full trailer for 'Blade Runner 2049'

Finally the full-length trailer is here. Exciting, isn't it? I'm cautiously optimistic about this film. A sequel released 35 years after the original is quite a monumental film moment. Even Tron: Legacy didn't have that long a build up.

I like the gritty, dour films of director Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners, Enemy, Sicario) and when the "bright, optimistic spot" is the slightly less dour alien film Arrival, I shouldn't have to worry too much about 2049 being a bright sunny action comedy like Guardians of the Galaxy.

Harrison Ford seems suitably dour in his return as Deckard. I'm hoping that he's more of a supporting player, an extended cameo in 2049 and less a co-lead with Ryan Gosling. Or is he not too old for shoot'em up action scenes?

And is there a better actor to carry on the mantle of dour, mute glowering looks than Mr. Gosling? He's perfected it by now.

We have Jared Leto, looking icy cool and hopefully acting it as well. I'm assuming he's the new Tyrell-ish villain? Robin Wright could be good...bad...neutral?

We have dust storms, fallen monuments, flying cars, neon, holograms, rainy cityscapes, empty minimalist chambers of sci-fi desolation; is that last one utter destruction or just the peak of high-end living?

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