Thursday, March 23, 2017

Chump is Steff: the President was in 'Pretty in Pink'

Not to get all political, but why not. It's 2017 and it's almost prom season.

Last year was the 30th (thirtieth!) anniversary of John Hughes' teen drama classic Pretty in Pink. And although the center of the film is, was, and always will be Molly Ringwald giving full thrift shop, indie record shop eclectic diva, there always had to be a villain.

Enter Steff McKee (James Spader), a be-suited, slow talking, overtanned wastrel with no redeeming qualities who apparently has no responsibilities but spending money (his and other peoples'). "Do you think I'd treat my parent's house this way if money was any issue?"

Sounds like a certain future Chump in Chief we know.

Peruse the "Steff Edit" above, a megamix of shitty things Spader spouts out in Pink as he drunkenly stumbles around the scenery of this John Hughes melodrama.

As with Chump, Steff has a way with the ladies (see above image). Aside from his girlfriend Benny who he refers to as "worthless" in front of her face, Steff has a fixation on Andie, Ringwald's character. Throughout the movie he refers to her as a: "bitch," "nada," "piece of low-grade ass," and "mutant," among other things. But that doesn't mean he isn't entranced by the magic of Molly.

If Spader was playing a teenage Trump, for the sake of this argument, let's say Molly is playing a cooler teenage Hillary Clinton; she's independent, headstrong, opinionated, and coming from working-class roots. Steff/Trump hates that in a woman.

He wants a subservient Melania/Benny, but knows the real strength, intelligence, and interest lies in someone like Hillary/Andie. Too bad he can never have her, much to his secret angst.

Let Blaine (Andrew McCarthy) in all his bad hairdo glory break it down for you/Steff:

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